Up To 7,470 Nautical Miles: The 10 Longest American Airlines, Delta & United Routes Combined

It will not surprise you that American, Delta, and United are the world’s three largest airlines by flights. This is, of course, directly based on their enormous fleet sizes and reliance on US domestic service, comfortably still the world’s number one aviation market. Between August and December 2024, the three airlines operate about one in seven of the world’s services. That’s a phenomenal proportion.

The trio’s longest non-stop routes
Using Cirium data to examine American, Delta, and United’s entire August-December network shows that the following are the operators’ 10 longest routes. United took seven of the 10 spots, including the top two positions. This is unsurprising: it is comfortably the US’s leading long-haul carrier to Asia, Australasia, Europe, and the Middle East.

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