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Roger Federer Opens Up on Pushing His Children to Play Tennis



Renowned tennis legend Roger Federer recently shared insights into his parenting philosophy, shedding light on his approach to encouraging his children to play tennis. In an exclusive interview, Federer discussed his desire for his offspring not to feel left out in their social circle due to a lack of tennis skills.


As one of the most decorated athletes in tennis history, Federer’s passion for the sport is palpable. However, he emphasizes that his primary motivation in introducing his children to tennis is not to mold them into future champions, but rather to ensure they can comfortably engage in the game within their social circle.


“I don’t want my kids to be the only ones in my circle who don’t know how to play tennis,” Federer stated. “Tennis has been a significant part of my life, and I believe it’s essential for my children to have a basic understanding and proficiency in the sport.”


Federer’s approach to parenting reflects his belief in providing his children with opportunities to explore their interests while also instilling valuable life skills. He acknowledges the importance of balance and stresses that while he encourages his children to engage in tennis, he also supports their pursuits outside of the sport.


“I want them to enjoy tennis and appreciate the lessons it teaches about discipline, resilience, and sportsmanship,” Federer explained. “But at the same time, I understand that they may have interests and talents in other areas, and I fully support them in exploring those as well.”


As a father of four – two sets of twins – Federer recognizes the individuality of each child and tailors his approach to their personalities and interests. While his older daughters, Myla and Charlene, have shown an interest in tennis, Federer emphasizes that he does not impose his own aspirations onto them.


“It’s important to me that they feel empowered to make their own choices and pursue their passions,” Federer emphasized. “Whether it’s tennis or any other endeavor, my role as a parent is to provide them with the support and guidance they need to thrive.”


Federer’s perspective offers a refreshing take on parenting in the realm of elite sports, highlighting the significance of fostering a well-rounded upbringing that prioritizes personal fulfillment over external expectations. As his children continue to navigate their journey in tennis and beyond, Federer remains committed to nurturing their growth and development both on and off the court.

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